Why am I talking about CrossFit?

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Why am I Talking about CrossFit in our newsletter?

The organization has been in the news yet again and is taking some lumps right now.

I’ve got feelings about that.

If you read through the links I’ve shared in the fitness section of our weekly news, you’ll see what I’m talking about.

As I’ve said many times before, CrossFit changed my life. the trajectory of TJ’s Gym, and our family for that matter. We caught a beautiful wave as it was building, and we rode it as far as we felt made sense.

Through CrossFit, I met a diverse group of great people outside of my own community.

I was able to parlay, grow, reach, stretch, and sometimes fail by using CrossFit as a business platform and side hustle.

When we stepped away, I had mixed emotions. I’ve kept in touch with that ex, because there’s too much history to just walk away.

I absolutely have no regrets about leaving the CrossFit. It was the right move for our business.

But there’s something that bothers me about the Crossfit organization taking hits right now.

I give significant credit to the CrossFit methodology and its influence on my professional work. I also appreciate and respect its take-no-prisoners approach to lifting the field of coaching to a level never seen before.

At the same time, I helped raise this multi-million dollar fitness giant.

CrossFit came out of the womb with noble intentions and a bad attitude.

It was a 2000=pound drooling, pooping infant wanting what it wanted and it wanting it right now.

I cleaned up the puke and dirty diapers. I taught it table manners and how to tie its shoes.

Tens of thousands of gym owners and coaches released it into the world, where it became at once respected, feared, and mocked as it clumsily took its first steps.

Some hated it, some admired it, and everyone talked about it.

I was proud and embarrassed at the same time.

Sometimes I cringed. Sometimes I celebrated.

We no longer reside in the same address but we still inhabit the same neighborhood.

To this day, I download podcasts about the latest CrossFit controversy and check in with my affiliate friends to ask in a low tone about how things are going with, you know, “CF.”

I will continue to root for CrossFit’s success, because it is still fighting the good fight of legitimizing the industry of fitness coaching.

I will champion the methodologies and their gift to the world of health, wellness, and fitness.

I will always say that the best money I ever spent and the best professionals I have ever experienced were the staffs of the L1 certifications, which I took multiple times in order to keep my affiliation for so many years.

Everyone reading this has benefited from CrossFit, and I’m proud to say that I had something to do with CrossFit’s growth, as well.

I hope the organization continues to take the hits and continues to hit back, just as it has always done—driven by a passion to make people healthier and stronger.

I’m looking forward to the adolescent phase and watching from my perch here at TJ’s Gym, where our passion for helping people get fitter and more well has always been, and continues to be, our beacon.


Allison Belger